About Us


Meals on Wheels of Mercer County was founded in 1973 and has grown and expanded as our population has aged. 

However, over the last 50+ years, our focus remains on our mission. The growing number of participants in our program depend on us each day. Our agility, and ability to adapt over the last few years enables us to serve nearly 600 vulnerable citizens throughout Mercer County -- without missing a beat! We are able to face the increased costs for food and delivery and the increased demand for meals, through the generous donations of our supporters, and the continued care and commitment of our volunteers. 

We continue to be a robust program with new-found abilities to provide services to the vulnerable individuals in our community.  We will take our expanded knowledge to deliver the quality programs expected of us, and continue to provide to all requesting the services and support they need.


Meals on Wheels of Mercer County delivers healthy meals and provides friendly connections

to our community neighbors who experience challenges in accessing nutritious food and support.



MOWMC strives to eliminate food insecurity and social isolation in our communities and neighborhoods

so that all people can live nourished lives with independence and dignity.



We hold the following values to be integral to our organization

and will endeavor to reflect them in all our actions and fundraising decisions.

1.      Community: MOWMC values the transformative impact of collaboration across those joined by our mission: participants, volunteers, staff, donors, and community supporters. By working together, fostering open communication, and building caring, supportive environments, we can achieve something bigger as a team than we could alone.

2.      Equity: MOWMC is committed to eliminating barriers to ensure that all who have need have equal access to service.

3.      Innovation: MOWMC embraces creativity, learning and responsiveness by moving quickly and continuously to innovate our approach in meeting the unique needs of those we serve.

4.      Empathy: We root ourselves in shared humanity and respect, and we treat each other with kindness, compassion, and grace, honoring the dignity and worth of our participants, volunteers, donors, and staff – especially those different from ourselves.

5.      Stewardship:  We honor the resources entrusted to us – food, funds, community, trust, and well-being – by acting with integrity, accountability, and transparency. Guided by ethical principles, we commit to doing what is right, fostering an environment of openness and responsibility in all that we do.



Who We Serve

Meals on Wheels of Mercer County serves homebound seniors who are 60 years and older. Many of our participants are unable to cook or shop for themselves due to the onset of a debilitating disease or another life change situation that makes them homebound. Often these older adults are "invisible" in the community and vulnerable to food insecurity. We provide a significant number of subsidies for those who cannot afford the cost of our meals.

  • 43% are over 80
  • 54% are either below the poverty line, or vulnerable to it
  • 50% have been on the program for over 1 year                                          
  • 56% live alone; many with no family members in the area
  • 68% are Veterans served
  • 61% are female; 39% are male
  • See more New Jersey statistics

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